Font Icons short description
Here are some of the glyphicons. You can see the full icon list on Glyphicon website.
- glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk
- glyphicon glyphicon-plus
- glyphicon glyphicon-euro
- glyphicon glyphicon-minus
- glyphicon glyphicon-cloud
- glyphicon glyphicon-envelope
- glyphicon glyphicon-pencil
- glyphicon glyphicon-glass
- glyphicon glyphicon-music
- glyphicon glyphicon-search
- glyphicon glyphicon-heart
- glyphicon glyphicon-star
- glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty
- glyphicon glyphicon-user
- glyphicon glyphicon-film
- glyphicon glyphicon-th-large
- glyphicon glyphicon-th
- glyphicon glyphicon-th-list
- glyphicon glyphicon-ok
- glyphicon glyphicon-remove
- glyphicon glyphicon-zoom-in
- glyphicon glyphicon-zoom-out
- glyphicon glyphicon-off
- glyphicon glyphicon-signal
- glyphicon glyphicon-cog
- glyphicon glyphicon-trash
- glyphicon glyphicon-home
- glyphicon glyphicon-file
- glyphicon glyphicon-time
- glyphicon glyphicon-road
- glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt
- glyphicon glyphicon-download
- glyphicon glyphicon-upload
- glyphicon glyphicon-inbox
- glyphicon glyphicon-play-circle
- glyphicon glyphicon-repeat
- glyphicon glyphicon-refresh
- glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt
- glyphicon glyphicon-lock
- glyphicon glyphicon-flag
- glyphicon glyphicon-headphones
- glyphicon glyphicon-volume-off
- glyphicon glyphicon-volume-down
- glyphicon glyphicon-volume-up
- glyphicon glyphicon-qrcode
- glyphicon glyphicon-barcode
- glyphicon glyphicon-tag
- glyphicon glyphicon-tags
- glyphicon glyphicon-book
- glyphicon glyphicon-bookmark
- glyphicon glyphicon-print
- glyphicon glyphicon-camera
- glyphicon glyphicon-font
- glyphicon glyphicon-bold
- glyphicon glyphicon-italic
- glyphicon glyphicon-text-height
- glyphicon glyphicon-text-width
- glyphicon glyphicon-align-left
- glyphicon glyphicon-align-center
- glyphicon glyphicon-align-right
- glyphicon glyphicon-align-justify
- glyphicon glyphicon-list
- glyphicon glyphicon-indent-left
- glyphicon glyphicon-indent-right
- glyphicon glyphicon-facetime-video
- glyphicon glyphicon-picture
- glyphicon glyphicon-map-marker
- glyphicon glyphicon-adjust
- glyphicon glyphicon-tint
- glyphicon glyphicon-edit
- glyphicon glyphicon-share
- glyphicon glyphicon-check
- glyphicon glyphicon-move
- glyphicon glyphicon-step-backward
- glyphicon glyphicon-fast-backward
- glyphicon glyphicon-backward
- glyphicon glyphicon-play
- glyphicon glyphicon-pause
- glyphicon glyphicon-stop
- glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down
- glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right
- glyphicon glyphicon-hand-left
- glyphicon glyphicon-hand-up
- glyphicon glyphicon-hand-down
- glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-right
- glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-left
- glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-up
- glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-down
- glyphicon glyphicon-globe
- glyphicon glyphicon-wrench
- glyphicon glyphicon-tasks
- glyphicon glyphicon-filter
- glyphicon glyphicon-briefcase
- glyphicon glyphicon-fullscreen
- glyphicon glyphicon-dashboard
- glyphicon glyphicon-paperclip
- glyphicon glyphicon-heart-empty
- glyphicon glyphicon-link
- glyphicon glyphicon-phone
- glyphicon glyphicon-pushpin
- glyphicon glyphicon-usd
- glyphicon glyphicon-gbp
- glyphicon glyphicon-sort
Here are some of the font awesome icons. You can see the full icon list on Font Awesome website.
Here are some of the ion icons. You can see the full icon list on Ion Icon website.
- ion-aperture
- ion-archive
- ion-arrow-down-a
- ion-arrow-down-b
- ion-arrow-down-c
- ion-arrow-expand
- ion-arrow-graph-down-left
- ion-arrow-graph-down-right
- ion-arrow-graph-up-left
- ion-arrow-graph-up-right
- ion-arrow-left-a
- ion-arrow-left-b
- ion-arrow-left-c
- ion-arrow-move
- ion-arrow-resize
- ion-arrow-return-left
- ion-arrow-return-right
- ion-arrow-right-a
- ion-arrow-right-b
- ion-arrow-right-c
- ion-arrow-shrink
- ion-arrow-swap
- ion-arrow-up-a
- ion-arrow-up-b
- ion-arrow-up-c
- ion-asterisk
- ion-at
- ion-bag
- ion-battery-charging
- ion-battery-empty
- ion-battery-full
- ion-battery-half
- ion-battery-low
- ion-beaker
- ion-beer
- ion-bluetooth
- ion-bonfire
- ion-bookmark
- ion-briefcase
- ion-bug
- ion-calculator
- ion-calendar
- ion-camera
- ion-card
- ion-cash
- ion-chatbox
- ion-chatbox-working
- ion-chatboxes
- ion-chatbubble
- ion-chatbubble-working
- ion-chatbubbles
- ion-checkmark
- ion-checkmark-circled
- ion-checkmark-round
- ion-chevron-down
- ion-chevron-left
- ion-chevron-right
- ion-chevron-up
- ion-clipboard
- ion-clock
- ion-close
- ion-close-circled
- ion-close-round
- ion-closed-captioning
- ion-cloud
- ion-code
- ion-code-download
- ion-code-working
- ion-coffee
- ion-compass
- ion-compose
- ion-connection-bars
- ion-contrast
- ion-cube
- ion-disc
- ion-document
- ion-document-text
- ion-drag
- ion-earth
- ion-edit
- ion-egg
- ion-eject
- ion-email
- ion-eye
- ion-eye-disabled
- ion-female
- ion-filing
- ion-film-marker
- ion-fireball
- ion-flag
- ion-flame
- ion-flash
- ion-flash-off
- ion-folder
- ion-fork
- ion-fork-repo
- ion-forward
- ion-funnel
- ion-gear-a
- ion-gear-b
- ion-grid
- ion-hammer
- ion-happy
- ion-headphone
- ion-heart
- ion-heart-broken
- ion-help
- ion-help-buoy
- ion-help-circled
- ion-home
- ion-icecream
- ion-image
- ion-images
- ion-information
- ion-information-circled
- ion-ionic
Here are some of the weather icons. You can see the full icon list on Weather Icons website.